Logipole Releases Konvertor 3 56 Multimedia conversion powerhouse for your computer

Released on = March 7, 2007, 5:38 am

Press Release Author = Logipole

Industry = Software

Press Release Summary = View/convert/organize between 1345 formats

Press Release Body = Is it possible for a single software title to support over 1340
multimedia formats and offer viewing/editing/conversion options for all major audio,
video, image and text formats? It sure is, if you got Konvertor. Konvertor comes
jam-packed with features like an overstuffed sandwich - instantaneous conversion
from one format to another, screen capturing options, easy file labeling, applying
personal notes, special effects and filters to images (blur, resize, charcoal,shear,
rotate, contrast and so on), PDF creation and tons of other handy perks.

Konvertor is a multimedia jumbo package that stands out form the crowd like a giant.
Need to send a picture or a music file? E-mail itdirectly from Konvertor. Want to
turn a movie frame into wallpaper for desktop? Piece of cake! Looking for an easy
way to create PDF or HTML albums? It takes minutes with Konvertor. Slide show
presentations, converting ASCII TXT files to images, extracting movie frames,
uploading images to FTP or downloading them from the Internet- all this and much
more can be done easily with Konvertor.

The software features efficient ergonomic interface. Moreover, the program can
function as an \"add-on\" for Windows Explorer, which has it\'s own perks, like
instantaneous image previews launched by pressing the right mouse button. Plus, it
can compress multimedia files or extract/visualize multimedia components from ZIP,
RAR, ARJ, ACE, CAB, LZH, LHA compressed files.
Konvertor is distributed electronically over the Internet; demo version is available
at http://www.konvertor.net/indexe.html.
The price of a single Konvertor copy is 27.00 US Dollars

If you have any questions, would like to request editor\'s copy, want to inquire
about special prices for volume buyers/software resellers, or have a business
proposal, please contact Jean Piquemal at jpiquemal@logipole.com

System Requirements:
PentiumR IV
128 MB RAM
15 MB HDD Space
Company Website
Product Page
Buy Link
Http://www.plimus.com or http://www.shareit.com or http://www.moneybookers.com

Web Site = http://www.konvertor.net/indexe.html

Contact Details = Address: 74 Alle de Lithuanie, Rennes

Phone Number:
Email: report@konvertor.net

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